Write about Perch, grab Perch merch

We’re really proud of Perch, and want as many people to know about it as possible. We also know that you’ve been building some really great sites with Perch and your clients love it. So we thought, why not put the two together?

Here’s the deal. If you’ve found Perch useful for a website project, why not write up a short piece for your website or blog or make a video about your experience? Perhaps you could show off the great work you’ve been able to produce, write a review or share some hints and tips for other Perch users. It doesn’t have to be all positive – be honest and objective – but it should provide something useful for others to get an idea of how Perch can be used.

Put it live, link back to grabaperch.com and drop us an email at hello@grabaperch.com to let us know it’s there. In return, we’ll link back to you and send you a Perch t-shirt and some other goodies (let us know your t-shirt size!).

We look forward to finding out what you’ve all been up to!