Customer Stories: Marc Sanders of Third Floor Design

This series of posts profiles some of the people using Perch. If you use Perch and would like to be featured here drop us a line at:

Marc Sanders of Third Floor Design


I started using Perch just over a year ago, where I looked into learning WordPress at a similar time, but Perch just seemed to take over. When time allows, I will look to further my knowledge on WordPress, mainly to manage larger, more complex blogs however I chose Perch due to the ability to use and introduce easily into projects with little initial knowledge of PHP and content management systems. The user interface is right up my street and so simple, yet powerful and targeted towards our clients.

Perch hasn’t changed the way I build sites. I involve Perch from the word go. I decide what it will manage and what apps the site may require, what new templates need to be written and how it can be pushed further for functionality. I usually implement Perch at the later stages of development when html, css and structure are visually and mechanically sound.

My clients can’t believe how simple and friendly Perch is to learn and use. From not using any kind of content management solutions before, Perch has made training clients simple and effective, but secondly made myself confident presenting the backend and training. Training varies from anywhere between 15 minutes and 1 hour sessions usually with a quick demonstration, where relaying of instructions and interface navigation to the clients is very easy because of the un-complex nature of Perch.

- Marc Sanders

Example sites
Perch features used:
Perch features used: (launching soon)
Perch features used: