Be part of our new Customer Stories section

A while ago we interviewed some of our Perchers for a Customer Stories section of the blog. We haven’t added any of these for a while and thought that it was about time that we featured some of our customers and the interesting things you are doing in a new section of this site.

We are working with Relly from Supernice Studio to create the content for this part of the site. What we need now are some Perchers who would be happy to talk to us and tell us how they use Perch.

We would like to hear from designers who use Perch for their client sites, but also from end clients themselves. We’d be particularly interested in hearing from anyone who has developed a particularly large or complex site, a site that is not in English, or who is using Perch alongside other frameworks. However we want to feature a representative selection of all the different people who use Perch and the sites that use it.

So whether you have used Perch once, or roll out two sites a month, if you’d be happy to tell us how you use Perch and get featured on the site, drop us a line at