Perch video tutorial
Two weeks ago we held a Perch chat in IRC, and a bunch of Perchers came along and heard about some of our plans for the product and also gave us some ideas about what they would like to see next for Perch.
One of the suggestions made was to have more video on the website – specifically a video tutorial to help people get started with Perch. Last week we made a start on this and today have published the first 10 in what we hope will be a comprehensive series of tutorials to help people use Perch. The current series covers the basics of installing and using Perch, however we will create more of these covering some of the more advanced functionality, using and perhaps even creating your own Perch apps.
Also in response to that chat we have published a backup app for Perch which should make it easier for you to backup your Perch installation. This could also be used to help move a site from one server to another or from your local computer to the live web server.
We will be holding some more Perch IRC chats – it was very helpful to us to hear what you like about Perch and what you would like to see in the product. We’ll announce these on Twitter. Other ways for you to let us know your suggestions is posting comments on this blog, posting in the forum, or via Twitter. Do keep the suggestions coming, we love to hear from you and want to make Perch as useful a little CMS as it can be.